woensdag 11 januari 2012

Day 3

As soon as i think about the word diet, it's impossible for me to think about anything other then food. I've been so focussed on food today and I wasen't even very hungry. The only time I wasen't thinking about food was when I was reading. Yes...I am a bookaholic. So when i'm reading I'm totally focussed on the book. But I can't be reading the whole day.
But today it was even worse. I didn't have to work today, so there was nothing to take my mind of food. I'm glad that tomorrow I'm gonna have a very long day at work. But I'm gonna have to think about something to keep me occupied...like excersize. I've been avoiding the gym for a while now...that has to change. And maybe some volunteer-work. Maybe taking care of cute bunnies and guinea pigs will distract me.

I heard ones that when you start a diet it's usually the first 3 days that are the hardest. So I'm hoping that after today it will become a little easier. But maybe it's better if it stays this difficult. Then when I'm finished I'll always remember what I had to do to reach my goals. And if it was easy there wouldn't be any fat people in the world...right?

dinsdag 10 januari 2012

Day 1

I've always been on the heavy side. And I'm definely no stranger to dieting. But somehow I've never been able to finish a diet. I start with good intentions and a good plan. But usually after a few weeks I get bored and give up. Even if it was going well.
This year I decided to start dieting again, but this time I will blog about my progress. And even if no one reads this it will still be on the internet and it will be a motivation for me to keep going and to achieve my goal.

I know a lot about losing weight and healthy food. Not because of my personal experience with dieting, but because of my work. I'm not a health consultant or anything like that but at my work I advise people about a lot of things like skincare, herbal medicine and food supplements. That means I know what you should do to lose weight and I always feel a little bit like a hypocrit because I never listen to my own advise. I try...but it's difficult. I know personally that if your not happy with the way you look, you won't care what anyone says, you will do what ever you think will help accomplish your goal faster. And that is exactly what I'm doing right now. I work better on a deadline, so my deadline will be June 30. That's before my summer holiday to the Caribean. This will be my motivation.

The diet I have chosen is a high protein/low carb diet. I will not be following a specific diet like Atkins or South beach. The way I'm going to do this is by cutting out all carbs from my diet. That means no bread, pasta, potatoes or anything containing these products. I choose this diet because I've done it before and it works for me. Even if I stopped after 3 weeks. This time I will accomplish my goal in 174 days.
Also, I will excersize at least 3 times a week.

Then here  is another problem...birthdays. In the time that I've set for my diet I have about 5 birthdays, including my own birthday. I think if I don't break any dietrules, I can take a break on a special occasion and eat regular food.

The amount of weight I want to lose in 174 days is...55 ponds. At this moment I weigh 220 pound. Thats 100kg and I want to lose 25 kg.
In this blog I will tell you everything about my progress. I hope this will help me reach my goals.